Safe, simple and effective. The non-invasive Cough Assist, is a mechanical In-Exsufflator which safely and effectively, clears retained broncho-pulmonary secretions, reducing the risk of respiratory complications.
Easy to use, the Cough Assist avoids airway damage while offering patients greater comfort and quality of life without use of an invasive procedure.
This Cough Assist has been proven very effective for patients with an insufficient ability to cough due to poliomeyelitis, muscular dystrophy, myasthenia gravis or other neurological disorder with some paralysis of the respiratory muscles, such as spinal cord injury. It may also be used to treat ineffective cough due to other broncho-pulmonary diseases such as emphysema, cystic fibrosis and bronchiectasis. Using this device enhances or replaces the patient´s natural removal of bronchial secretion.